Affiliate Program
Earn an average of $10 for each customer with your unique referral link by joining PERSONAL84 Affiliate Community
When you sign up for the Affiliate Program we'll give you a special link to our store that you can share through an Ad, Facebook Post, on your Blogs, a tweet... however you choose! You'll earn income for every customers that place an order through your link
We would like to offer you a 10% per-sale commission. This means that every sale you make to your following you will receive 10% entire orders.
E.g. Our average order value is $100. 10% of 100= $10. So every sale you make via your posts would return you $10 on average.
Every last Friday of the month we pay out all our Brand ambassadors via PayPal.
Note: we only pay via PayPal, so make sure you have a PayPal account.